Son Frustrated by Academic Struggles

The below letter was in the Virginian Pilot on Saturday 8 June 2024, although the mother states her child is having trouble with reading and writing, you can substitute any subject and the same frustrations by moms and their children exist. This is why My Favorite Charity Events (MFCE) began a free mathematics tutoring program for elementary school children.

The pandemic affected families in different ways and there are many who today are not achieving at their grade-level. In Virginia Beach the school system is working hard to find ways to help the children, but it can’t be fully accomplished in the classroom.  MFCE provides one-on-one math tutoring through our Realize Academic Success Through Tutoring Learning Process where we work to augment the school’s efforts and provide academic support, and also to help the children become successful students and achieving adults.

We provide confidence building exercises, mentoring support, test taking techniques, and positive student citizenship.  We are looking forward to continuing our successful tutoring program in the 2024-2025 school year.

Please consider a donation so that we can continue to grow our program and help more children become superstar students.


Dear Harriette:

My son is 10 years old and is behind his peers academically.

His literacy and writing skills are not nearly where they are supposed to be, and I can’t afford to help him. I am a single mother working two jobs, so I am unable to practice these important skills with him, and I don’t have the money to hire extra help.

My son struggled with online learning during the pandemic, which is where his issues began, and he has been unable to catch up.

I thought it was his teacher’s responsibility to make sure that my son is ready to move on to the next grade, but we are based in Alabama where the education system is poorly funded.

I’ve noticed that his self- taking easily when trying to read or write, which only adds to his reluctance to practice these essential skills. I try to encourage him as much as I can, but my availability is limited, and I fear that my efforts are not enough.

How can I best support him given my limited time and financial constraints?

— Desperate for Help



Ms. BradshawMs. Bradshaw has over 30 years of teaching experience at the community college and grade school levels.  She has worked with the VBCPS system since 2019, including offering tutoring for SOL preparation.  Motivational speaker, topics include Volunteer Management, Team Building, and Stress Management.  Ms. Bradshaw received her undergraduate degree in Gerontology/Human Services, and her Graduate degree in Aging & Management.  Her love and enthusiasm for education is only second to her desire to be a part of the foundation of learning for students. 

Mr. TurnerMr. Turner has worked as an educator for over a decade, first as a full-time Kaplan tutor before shifting into the public-school setting. Mr. Turner originally provided New York City public schools with SAT and ACT tutoring programs on behalf of Kaplan test prep. Since moving to Virginia Beach with his wife and daughter in 2015, Mr. Turner has taught, tutored, and coached students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. He has provided Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy to students with autism ranging in ages from 3-16. As a special education teacher with Norfolk Public Schools, he taught a group of 3rd and 4th grade students with Emotional Disabilities. Through the coordinated support of families, co-teachers, and supportive administration, his team of students (dubbed the “SuperDolphins”) achieved a collective SOL pass rate of over 80 percent. Mr. Turner currently works as a Special Education teacher at Green Run High School in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and believes strongly that relationship-building and play-based learning are the foundations of academic recovery and long-term success.