My Favorite Charity Events Organization believes no child should be defined by where they live, how they dress, or if they get free meals at school. We believe all children should have the same fun learning experiences at school and for those that need additional support we want to be there to help.
Not all children are born with the same opportunities. We hope to level the playing field by making our underserved children shining lights in the community through our tutoring support program.
We are asking for donations to help us provide tutoring support this summer for as many children as we can. We are working with an Elementary School to establish a tutoring support program during the 4-week downtime between Summer School Camp in July and the beginning of the Fall school session.
We are funding tutoring for elementary school students this summer and would greatly appreciate your consideration to donate and to boost our tutoring program. Your donation of any amount on a monthly or recurring basis is welcomed.
Our donation process is secured by STRIPE, a secure payment processing platform. Please consider donating today.